This page last changed on Feb 14, 2008 by stepheneb.

Preliminary Draft Agenda LOOPS Kick Off Meeting Feb 14, 2008

9:45 Review Proposal, Project Schedule, and Milestones

10:15 TELS, LOOPS, and related projects

10:30 Amplify Research Agenda

10:45 Technology demo--describe what will be possible

11:00 Scenarios:
*include--working on a detailed example of modeling skills.
*visioning: what will the classroom look like, how will it "work"

12 - 1   LUNCH

Discuss Technology development plan

Discussion of teacher selection process, professional development and timeframe

Plans for LOOPS summer retreat  and Advisory Board - dates and participants

Proposed Collaboration process

Plans/ Schedule  for outside evaluator
*Plan the research schedule
*Discuss Technology. Define version 1 for this year.
*Discuss Curriculum Plans and Development

Link to CA Physical Science Standards --8th grade.

Physical Sci Pacing Guide.pdf (application/x-pdf)
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